
Village Restoration Project, Dharampani, Tanahu District

On June 16th of 2016: Despite of many social and economic challenges of Single poor Woman Mrs Kali Maya Gurung (two daughters and a son) happy to see a new house with earthquake proof at Dharampani, Tanahu District. The traditional house with two floors is made of stone, cements, Iron rods, wood and Zn sheet. Her old house was badly damaged by massive earthquake of 25th April 2015.

Before reconstruction

Before reconstruction of the damaged house of Kali Maya.

After reconstruction

After reconstruction of the new house of Kali Maya.

With financial support of Grand Circle Foundation and in collaboration with Dharampani community, Yeti Foundation Nepal has been implementing Village Restoration Project by providing cements, Iron rod, Zn sheet, skill human resources and regular technical support in order to rebuild completely damaged houses by massive earthquake. Now 13 houses are under reconstruction including 3 houses are on process of roof working and 10 houses has completed ground floor construction.


Roof working at ground floor house.


Windows working at upper floors.


Completed ground floor.

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